
Auditors perform manual checks on borrowers to confirm they are legitimate helping to secure the protocol against fraud.

For a Fixed Pool to be placed on the Acumen Stabledapp the Borrower Deal proposal needs to be approved by the committee of Auditors. Hence upon completion of the Deal proposal form, it would be submitted to be evaluated by the committee of Auditors, selected from the Acumen Senior DAO, who subsequently approve or decline the application, issuing a report with their findings and verdict reasoning.

Importantly Auditors do not and cannot evaluate the financial soundness of the Deal proposal rather they make sure that the borrower does what they claim to do through viewing the documentation presented by the firm in the Deal Proposal. As such making decisions in the interest of the Acumen DAO and the Stabledapp platform to prevent bad actors from placing a Fixed Pool on the Stabledapp. If a proposal is declined the firm is given the opportunity to reapply with changes made based on the Auditor report.

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